Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Make Social Media Work For Your Business

Social Media is all the rage these days. Companies can benefit from viral social media campaigns — and sometimes get burned by Social Media as well. What companies hope for is to create something viral like the Ellen DeGeneres Oscar selfie but not every company can do that or have an ad budget equalling the GDP of a small country.
Social Media marketing has got to be a part of the overall brand building process for any company. This is a long term process and cannot be a one-time or a short term thing. The best Social Media marketing campaigns combine SEO, online marketing and above all, effective storytelling.
The Internet has levelled the playing field for businesses of all sizes. A viral YouTube video that can cost nothing that can be seen by millions on YouTube or shared by the billion plus users of Facebook or nearly half a billion users of Twitter can have a huge impact on your business. Social Media includes Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and more.
Social Media not only can help your business gain traction on Social Media platforms it also has an impact on your SEO rankings on Google. An important thing to remember is that you need to ensure that your business has a Google+ page so that users can rate, review, and share your business online. Besides gaining reviews, Google is now serving up these profiles in the search results to users as well as it has become a ranking factor within your SEO.
Businesses of all sizes small or large should hire a professional Social Media marketing services firms for the best Social Media marketing results or even consider doing it in-house themselves. The bottom line is Social Media can have a huge impact on your business and is something that needs to be taken seriously.
A good way for a company to create Social Media buzz is by running Facebook or Twitter contests and rewarding these participants through prizes or coupons. In return, they can get to see their hashtags trend on Twitter if there’s enough buzz and enough tweets. If you can create interesting content that Social Media users love, they’ll share it with their network on Facebook. If you create great content on the company blog, it will get shared on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and so on. Pinterest and Instagram are image-driven; hence, they are appropriate for businesses such as restaurants, bakeries, florists and so on whose products can be highlighted via great photos. YouTube videos can be great tools to provide product training or ‘how-to’ tutorials.
Creating great content is a key part of Social Media marketing. Content marketing and Social Media marketing therefore go hand in hand. Content marketing has become even more important considering the changes Google has made to its ranking algorithms. With changes such as Google Penguin, Google Panda and Google Hummingbird, Google has made it clear that it loves fresh content and discourages meaningless backlinks or duplicate content. Your Social Media marketing strategy has to take into account the fact that nearly half of the visitors to your website are likely doing so from mobile devices and this will only keep growing with the rapid adoption of smartphones. For online E-commerce businesses as an example, they need to ensure that customers are able to make purchases online from mobile devices.
If you choose to hire a Social Media company, make sure to opt for a company that has the experience and expertise you need to stay ahead of your competitors. Remember that SEO and Social Media marketing should be an integral part of any business’s marketing efforts. If you do it on your own or have a company do it, the choice is ultimately yours. All in all, Social Media marketing is a key weapon in the overall marketing battle that needs to be taken seriously. If you have any questions or need any help with your Social Media, please feel free to reach out to the team at Mind Digital Group.

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